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Strong superplasticizer and water reducer PSR410 Severely reduces water and increases concrete performance time.


PSR410 is a polycarboxylate based superplasticizer with a severe reduction in the water to cement ratio. This product has increased efficiency and slump and plays a very important role in the final resistance. PSR410 is designed for concreting in tropical climates.

Physical and chemical properties

physical state:                   Liquid

Color:                                  light brown

Density:                              1.11 g/cm³

Chloride Content :         Nil to EN 934

Properties and Effects:

  • Making concrete with water to cement ratio of 0.3 to 0.4
  • Reduction of cement grade
  • Increasing the workability and flow of concrete (creating fluidity before setting)
  • No waterlogging and separation of aggregates
  • Increase the cohesion and slip of concrete from 2 to 23
  • Maintain performance between 60 to 150 minutes
  • Ease of pumping concrete
  • No need for vibration
  • Reduce the permeability of harmful ions such as chlorine and sulfate
  • Increase the adhesion of concrete to the reinforcement
  • Prevent cold seams
  • Making and transporting concrete for long distances


Application :

  • Suitable for windy and tropical climates
  • Execution of structures with high density of reinforcement
  • Manufacture of high-strength concrete (HSC)
  • Manufacture of self-compacting concrete (SSC)
  • Manufacture of reinforced concrete (HPC)
  • Making nailing mortars
  • Manufacture of exposed concrete

Complies with standards:

ISIRI 2930 – ASTM C1017 – ASTM C1017 M- ASTM C494 – EN 934

Consumption :

The optimal consumption of PSR410 is determined by the on-site test and mixing plan (amount and type of cement, sand, gravel, water and other materials, air temperature and mixing method). The recommended dosage is between 0.3 to 0.9% by weight of cement and cement substitutes (slag cement, microsilica and fly ash).

consumption instruction :

1- Add the additive to the concrete with water after complete mixing of other materials.

2- To be added to the ready-mixed concrete in the mixer truck or when making concrete to batching.

No additives should be poured directly on the dry cement.

Mixing time and reaching the appropriate rheology varies according to the volume of cement. Mixing takes between 60 and 90 seconds per cubic meter.

Maintenance :

It can be stored in the original packaging and in a covered warehouse away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 10-30 ° C for one year after the date of manufacture.

Package type:

20 gallons and 1100 kg tank


safety tips:

This substance is not flammable and is not harmful to the environment. Avoid contact of this substance with eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of fresh water. Goggles and gloves are recommended when working. See a doctor immediately if swallowed.


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